Task Items in Log

Learn more about the Items in Log tab for tasks and how to use it to review a task's history

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at April 28th, 2024

If you ever need to analyze the history of what happened with a particular task, who has worked on it, who has modified any parts of it, and so on, the “Items in log” tab is your friend. 

Hit the Items in log button to open the complete history of actions that were done with the task. 

Depending on how long this task has been open, you might see a lot of elements or just a few.

The items are sorted chronologically, with the oldest action at the bottom and the newest action at the top. 

Among the information you can find in the task history are details such as

  • Who created the task
  • Whom was the task assigned to over time
  • What skills were assigned to the task
  • Which clients participated in communicating within the task
  • and many more…

For each element, you can see the time at which the change occurred. 

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