Statistical Sources - Calls

Information about all the statistical sources related to calls.

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at March 28th, 2023

Sources for Incoming Calls

Name of the source
calls.incoming.after-work.internal.time Time spent in the pre-defined after-call timeout for internal (within the application instance) incoming calls only. 
calls.incoming.after-work.time Time spent in the pre-defined after-call timeout for all incoming calls. The number of incoming calls that are answerable (i.e., can be connected to an agent - does not include calls that are in the IVR and not yet in the queue) that are currently in progress. 
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 10 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 2 minutes of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 20 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 30 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 45 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 60 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
The number of incoming calls that were answered within 90 seconds of becoming answerable (i.e., of becoming available to be picked up by an agent).
calls.incoming.answered.count The total number of incoming answered calls (i.e., picked up by an agent). The total number of incoming answered calls that were made directly to an agent (i.e., does not include calls that were assigned to agents from a queue). 
calls.incoming.answered.internal.count The total number of incoming answered calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance).
calls.incoming.count The total number of incoming calls. The total number of incoming calls that are currently in progress.
calls.incoming.missed.count The total number of incoming calls that were missed (not answered by anyone). The total number of incoming direct calls (made directly to an agent) that no one answered - missed (does not include calls that were assigned to agents from a queue).
calls.incoming.missed.internal.count The total number of incoming calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance) and not answered by anyone.
calls.incoming.missed.less.than.15.sec The total number of incoming calls that were missed (not answered by anyone) and were answerable (available for pickup by agent) for less than 15 seconds. The total number of incoming calls that were missed (not answered by anyone), were answerable and did not attempt to connect to anyone (e.g., because all agents were offline / unavailable / busy on another call, etc.) 
The total number of incoming calls that were missed (not answered by anyone), and were answerable (available for pickup by agent) for less than 10 seconds.
The total number of incoming calls that were missed (not answered by anyone), and were answerable (available for pickup by agent) for less than 5 seconds.
calls.incoming.queued.count The total number of incoming calls that were queued (i.e., received via an IVR). The total number of incoming calls that are queued (i.e., received via an IVR) and are currently in progresss.
The total number of attempts to agents that were made for incoming queued calls (i.e., received via an IVR and making it to the queue). Each call will only count once for each agent (i.e., if a queued call rings for one agent several times, it will only count as +1 in this source).
calls.incoming.queued.missed.count The total number of incoming calls that were queued (i.e., received via an IVR) and were missed (i.e., not answered by anyone).
calls.incoming.queued.not-answerable.count The total number of incoming calls that were queued (i.e., received via an IVR) and were not answerable (i.e., did not make it to the queue where the calls would be available for pickup by agents).
calls.incoming.queued.time The total duration of incoming calls that were queued (i.e., received via an IVR).
calls.incoming.ringing.internal.time The total duration of the ringing of incoming calls that were internal (i.e., withinthe application instance).
calls.incoming.ringing.time The total duration of the ringing of incoming calls (does not include queued time in the IVR, only valid for direct calls).
calls.incoming.talking.internal.time The total duration of the talking (starting when the call is picked up by an agent, ending when the call is hung up by either party) for incoming calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance)
calls.incoming.talking.time The total duration of the talking (starting when the call is picked up by an agent, ending when the call is hung up by either party) for incoming calls.

Sources for Outgoing Calls

Name of the source
calls.outgoing.after-work.internal.time Time spent in the pre-defined after-call timeout for internal (within the application instance) outgoing calls only. 
calls.outgoing.after-work.time Time spent in the pre-defined after-call timeout for all outgoing calls. 
calls.outgoing.answered.internal.count The total number of outgoing answered calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance).
calls.outgoing.count The total number of outgoing calls. The total number of outgoing calls that are currently in progress.
calls.outgoing.not-answered.count The total number of outgoing calls that were not answered by the other party.
calls.outgoing.not-answered.internal.count The total number of outgoing calls that were not answered by the other party and were internal (i.e., within the application instance).
calls.outgoing.ringing.internal.time The total duration of the ringing of outgoing calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance).
calls.outgoing.ringing.time The total duration of the ringing of outgoing calls.
calls.outgoing.talking.internal.time The total duration of the talking (starting when the call is picked up by the receiving party, ending when the call is hung up by either party) for outgoing calls that were internal (i.e., within the application instance)
calls.outgoing.talking.time The total duration of the talking (starting when the call is picked up by the receiving party, ending when the call is hung up by either party) for outgoing calls.

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