Statistical Sources - Chat

Learn about the different statistical sources for the Chat channel

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at March 28th, 2023

Name of the source
chat.messages.incoming.count The count of all incoming messages via Chat - all individual messages received via the channel. 
chat.messages.outgoing.count The count of all outgoing messages via Chat - all individual messages sent via the channel. 
chat.task.queued.time The length of time that messages received via the Chat channel spent waiting in the queue. 
chat.tasks.completed.count The number of Chat tasks (conversations) that were completed.
chat.tasks.completed.duration The total time Chat tasks (conversations) took to resolve. It starts from the moment the first message is received and ends when the conversation is closed.
chat.tasks.created.count The number of Chat tasks (conversations) that were created.
chat.tasks.first-response.duration The length of time that conversations received via the Chat channel waited before getting the first response from an operator. 
chat.tasks.not-completed.count The number of not completed Chat tasks (conversations). These are tasks that were not closed yet.
chat.tasks.offered.count The number of all Chat tasks (conversations) that were offered to others by an operator. 
chat.tasks.unassigned.count The number of all Chat tasks (conversations) that are not assigned to a specific operator. The total time operators spent working on Chat tasks (conversations). It starts from the time the operator is first assigned the task, and ends when the task is closed. 

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