Filtering Missed Calls

Learn how to find Missed Call tasks in Spinoco

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at January 4th, 2021

1) Navigate to the search bar in the Spinoco application

2) Hit More filtering options at the bottom of the dialog

3) In the filtering dialog, in the Select Types of Tasks section at the top, make sure that only Missed Call is selected

4) In the Assigned To field, select which team member's Missed Calls you would like to view. If you'd like to view all colleagues' missed calls, leave this field empty.

5) In the Skills field, select the skills whose Missed Calls you would like to view. If you'd like to view all missed calls regardless of their skill, leave this field empty. 

6) If you'd like to view Missed Calls of a specific customer only, enter them into the Customer field. If you'd like to view all missed calls, regardless of the customer, leave this empty. 

7) If you'd like to view only unresolved Missed Calls (i.e., those that have not yet been called back to), select Not Completed in the Completion field. To view missed calls that were resolved, select Completed. Otherwise, leave the selection as All.

8) Select the date for which you'd like to display missed calls in the Due date field

9) To save this filter for future use, hit the Save Filter button at the bottom of the dialog

10) Choose a name for the filter, under which you will be able to use the filter later again. 

11) Hit the Done button to save your filter. 

12) To use the filter, click on the Search button again, and among the saved filters, select the filter you have just created. 

13) You're all done - now you will be able to see all missed calls that match your filter.

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