
Learn about the basic concept of Tasks in Spinoco

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at January 7th, 2024

The largest part of the Spinoco interface is given to tasks - and for good reason. Every piece of communication that happens in Spinoco is in the form of a task.

So, for example, an incoming phone call is a task that needs to be resolved by answering it. An email or chat conversation is a task that needs to be resolved by interacting with the client. And so on, for all the channels available within Spinoco. 

In the image below, you can see a list of tasks in the middle of the screen, with one email task, called “Next interview”, open on the right-hand side. 

What you need to know to get started with Spinoco is that it is by interacting with the individual tasks, that you respond to clients and you resolve queries. 

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