Setting Up User Licenses

Learn more about the different types of user licenses in Spinoco.

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at February 15th, 2021

To view an existing user's license, or create a new user, navigate to the Team tab. If you do not see the Team tab in your application, please contact your Spinoco Administrator.

On the Team tab's left-hand side, navigate to the Settings tab by clicking the gear button. 

On this screen, you can see all the users active in your Spinoco instance. To view a particular user's license, click on the "Edit" button next to their name.

Upon clicking the button, a new dialog will pop up, showing the current settings, including the user's license. For example, in the image below, Richard has the Professional license, and his calls are being recorded. 

The user's license is determined automatically, depending on the settings you have selected for the user. Whether you are editing an existing user's settings or creating a new user, you will always see the currently applied license in real-time.  

To explain how the licenses are determined in more detail, let's walk through an example of creating a new user. To start creating a new user, click the "Add team member" button at the top of the Settings screen.

You will be presented with a dialog that allows you to create a new user. Please fill in the required information (Last name and Email address), before moving on to set up the user's settings. 

The user starts off at the Standard license level. This is a low-requirement user licence with a limited feature set.

As the first step, select the role of the user. The most common role will be User - this enables the user to see the tasks for which they have the required skills, but does not grant them access to, for example, view their colleague's tasks. For users who should have higher access rights (e.g. to supervise a team), select one of the higher roles. 

You will notice that switching the user to Team Leader / Administrator will automatically change the license to Professional / Enterprise, respectively. This is because these levels are automatically assigned new Permissions in the "User's permissions" section. Whenever the user has access to tabs other than Communication, the required license is automatically at least Professional. For the "Workspace" permission, the required license is automatically at least Enterprise.

For licenses Professional and Enterprise, you have the option to choose between Monthly and Daily billing. In the case of Daily billing, the user will be billed for the day only in the case when they log in to Spinoco. 

When you scroll down in the user settings dialog, you can select whether the user's calls should be recorded. As for licences Professional and Standard this service is billed as an add-on, you will be able to see this reflected in the license overview at the top. 

Similarly, tracking statistics is only available for users who have the Professional license or higher. As such, triggering the "Track statistics" option will automatically change the license to at least Professional. 

When you scroll down to the very bottom of the dialog, you are able to modify the skills of the users, according to the channels and queues that they will need access to. If the user has more than 1 skill assigned, their license is automatically upgraded to at least Professional. 

The last, most basic, type of a license is the Dashboard license - this allows the given user access only to the Dashboard tab. If the user has no selected skills, does not track statistics and only has access to the Dashboard permission as in the screenshot below, the license will be billed as Dashboard. 

Spinoco will automatically select the lowest applicable licence type, that meets the requirements of the settings you have selected for the user. The following license types are available within Spinoco:

Dashboard license

  • The most limited feature-set, only allows access to the Dashboard Tab

Standard license

  • A limited-feature license used mostly where:
    • You only require for the user to have one skill (e.g. they only support a single market or a single communication channel)
    • You do not need to track the user's statistics/performance 

Professional license

  • The most commonly used license, that includes an unlimited number of skills for the user, allows for tracking of statistics, and allows access to the statistics and settings tabs within the application

Enterprise license

  • An advanced-feature license, featuring access to view the Workspace settings
  • Includes everything in Professional, as well as call recording

Developer license

  • The most advanced license, typically used for Workflow configuration, as well as advanced API operations

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