
Learn about the concept of skills within Spinoco

Zuzana Perecz

Updated at August 4th, 2023

Every team and every team member is unique. To correctly distribute tasks between teams and colleagues, Spinoco needs to know what type of tasks each user is equipped to handle. That is determined using skills.

Skills are assigned to each user by their respective team leaders/administrators and can be changed at any time as their skill sets or job descriptions change. 

Conversely, each task is also assigned a skill (or several). This can be done either automatically (for example, based on the mailbox, or phone number, that the task was created from) or manually by users or administrators. 

When tasks are being assigned in Spinoco, the system is always looking for a match between the skills assigned to the task and the skills assigned to the user. When a match is found, the system will assign the task to the relevant user. 

You will encounter skills throughout the Spinoco environment as they are used for managing all sorts of features. For example, you can assign skills to customers, to mark VIP (or other special) customers, and treat them differently in your automation flows.  

As skills are fully configurable for your team, your available skills might vary depending on your team's specific work setup. 

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